Canes & Walking Sticks

Old handcrafted Decorative and Gadget Canes with figural handles made of silver, ivory, gems or exotic wood. Lady’s and gentleman’s dress canes, Art Deco, Art Nouveau and Folk art canes. Daggers and sward canes. Country Walking Sticks, Luggage Carrying Cane, Chair, Seat, Stool and Table Canes, Hunting Canes. City Walking Canes, Measuring and Surveying Sticks, canes with Musical Instruments, Professional Walking Canes, Physician's Canes.
  • Canes

    CanesDecorative and handcrafted canes with handles made of silver, ivory, porcelain, gems or exotic wood. Lady’s and gentleman’s dress canes, Art Deco, Art Nouveau and Folk art canes.