General Collectibles > Smoking Implements

Pipe with Boer War Carvings

Item#: TB975



This very unusual pipe is an Oom Paul full bent pipe with a vulcanite stem. Named for Paul Kruger the president of the South African Republic (Transvaal) who was fondly known as Oom Paul (Afrikaans for "Uncle Paul"). This type of pipe is seen in photographs of Paul Kruger and believed to have been custom designed for him. The pipe is decorated with Boer War Trench art. The top of the Billiard type bowl is carved with the words Boer War. Below it a portrait of Oom Paul with the words South Africa to his left and right. Below the portrait are the years 1899 1900-01. Around the bowl are different place names in South Africa: Brandfort, Karree, Zand River Johannesburg etc. Also carved at the bottom is a sphinx with Egypt below it and a griffon. The pipe is in excellent order with little signs of usage to bowl and hardly any teeth marks to the orfice type mouth piece.